Character Building

Throughout our curriculum, children are presented with character building stories. They are taught how to work through a situation making the best choices. Honesty, integrity, loving others, kindness, and obedience are just a sampling of what these young children will investigate in Master Clubs.

Serving Christ Now

Children can serve God now. Although we wouldn't teach this, children assume that they must wait until they are "older" before they can serve God. In Master Clubs a child will learn that he or she can serve God now by teaching a Bible story, preaching to a group of children, sharing the gospel with others, and many other opportunities. Our goal is to plant seed thoughts in the mind of each child that God can use them to do great things, and it can start today!

Life Application

We help children develop godly habits by providing opportunities for them to practice what they have learned during the Bible lesson or during Book Time. Each workbook has projects that the children complete which might be making cookies for a neighbor, visiting elderly in nursing homes, cleaning a neighbor's yard, writing notes to siblings, parents, and the pastor, and many more. This helps establish early in the child's life those habits that all Christians ought to possess.


Many have said that if they could sum up Master Clubs in one word it would be Discipleship. Many have mistakenly thought that if their children go through elementary and high school attending Sunday school and church that they will be discipled. That simply is not enough. Discipleship is something that happens "on purpose." If there is no plan to disciple children in your church, chances are that they are not being discipled. Discipleship goes beyond sitting in a room and hearing a lesson taught. Discipleship is one on one interaction between a child and a leader. This allows you to reach into the hearts of children and help them grow from where they are now to what God wants them to be. Jesus was a master teacher and discipler, yet He chose to only closely disciple twelve. Master Clubs creates the perfect opportunity for you to begin that discipleship relationship with the children in your church and community.