Maranatha Christian Academy is a Bible-centered educational ministry dedicated to assisting parents and the local Bible-believing church in the task of training their children to reach their fullest potential, both academically and spiritually, recognizing each child as a unique creation of God.

Educational Goals

  • Spiritual: to present the Gospel in such a way that each child may independently give his/her life to Jesus Christ and have a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • Academic: to help the students discover and develop his/her God-given intellectual abilities, promote high academic standards, and help students gain a thorough comprehension and command of the fundamental processes used in communicating with others.
  • Personal/Social: to develop, within each student, a balanced personality based upon proper understanding and acceptance of him/herself as God made him/her and on the full development of his/her capabilities in Christ.
  • Physical: to promote fitness, maintenance, and respect for the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

For more information, click here to visit the school's website.