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Missions is not reserved for a select few—it is the calling of every believer. The Great Commission is not a suggestion or an option; it is a command from Jesus Christ to take the gospel to the world. However, before we can reach the lost, we must first be willing to obey. Isaiah 6:8 captures the heart of a surrendered servant: “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” Isaiah did not hesitate—he responded in faith and obedience, trusting that God would equip him for the task. Likewise, missions begins when we say, “Yes, Lord. I will go. I will speak. I will serve.”

Obedience to the Great Commission does not always mean packing up and moving to a foreign land. While some are called to the ends of the earth, many are called to be faithful right where they are. Missions is not about geography; it is about obedience. Jesus said in Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” This command applies to every believer in every place. Whether it is in our workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, or social circles, the mission field is as close as our next conversation. Every interaction is an opportunity to share the love of Christ with someone who needs Him.

Despite this clear call, many Christians hesitate to engage in missions due to fear, insecurity, or the belief that someone else will do it. But God does not call the equipped—He equips the called. In Acts 4:13, when Peter and John boldly preached Christ, the religious leaders “marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” These men were not highly educated or specially trained—they were simply willing vessels who had spent time with Jesus. The same is true today. If we walk in obedience, God will provide the words, the opportunities, and the strength we need to share the gospel effectively.

Today, pray for a heart of obedience to God’s call to missions. Ask Him to reveal where He wants you to serve and to give you the courage to step out in faith. Whether that means sharing Christ with a coworker, inviting a neighbor to church, or supporting a missionary, commit to being faithful in the work of the gospel. Missions is not about waiting for a grand assignment—it’s about daily saying, “Here am I; send me.” Will you obey His call?